Monday, May 12, 2008

Unit 1 – An introduction- Who produced this text, for whom and why?

This is the first reflection on the blog for the Critical Literacy subject. At first, we have the wrong information about doing the reflection on blog. But after had been explained briefly by Encik Humamuddin, I can understand what I had to do and what I need to write on the blog.

There are three articles that we need to read. There are ‘Convicted killer back at work’, ‘Stories and facts’ and ‘Rules and regulations’. The first article we need to do on the first portfolio for the first assignment. We already had information by reading the course information and for the first unit, we had been explained to the key questions such as who wrote the text, who is the intended reader and why was it produced. We also had been notified that there are basic skills in this unit. Some of the basic skills are topic, content, source, audience, purpose, perspective, positioning, impact and visual literacy. The most important is this unit introduced me the best way of approaching an article or text critically.

For this unit, the presenters are Nabil, Rahmat and Anuar. They had tried their best to make us understand on what they are presenting on unit 1. Eventhough they admit that they are not too clear in understanding the unit, they still finished their presentation and at the end, Encik Humamuddin had explained more details regarding the unit.

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